Friday, September 25, 2015

ThatOldFlame: Intuition is There, Even When My Vision's Impaired. Yeah. #AMuseD

So I’m convinced that a woman’s intuition, while definitely developed over time, is something she is born with. She sees and feels things without a full understanding of why. She may be drawn towards something or her actions might be a call for attention to something (or someone) and the reasoning is more intuitive than it is to be explained. I think that ‘inner voice’ that attempts to lead us subconsciously before we act physically is born into us. I don’t believe that the explained phenomenon of woman’s intuition comes into our spirits in a similar time-confined manner such as the introduction to puberty.

Something happens in the moment we exit the safety net of our mother’s womb and enter into a world unknown. Maybe the stars line up in triangle formation and then collide, and the dust particles trickle from space and land in the open pores of a baby girl; maybe that is me being extra. Who will ever really know what age it begins to develop? But in my experiences, I have learned that a Woman’s Intuition is inherently born into her. It’s an energetic force that leaves mental footprints only. And backed by this notion, I believe a young girl is able to act upon her intuition. She may not know the complete ‘whys’ and the younger she is, the less a chance for an understanding of her own ‘intuition, but that’s the allure about it all; sometimes it acts on its own accord. Our intuition is a guiding voice that presents itself in one of two ways: either it instinctively/unconsciously guides our actions OR it presents its case and we consciously decide whether or not to take heed.

 *Chelsea and I had gone to my mother’s house one day. I think this was after I had dropped the bomb to her that we would soon be permanently parting ways, yet as I do so well, I continued at a slow pace towards making that a reality. I had packed things but had nowhere to take them and was pretending the answer would fall into my lap. At the time, it hadn’t fallen. And I was still playing the role of girlfriend & stepmom with no ring. As of this trip to my mother’s place, a great deal of information had come to light and I was now aware of the name and work (strip club) of the young lady my ‘man’ had been fucking. I was actually hoping to successfully play myself; I wanted to believe that they were just fucking. And even if that were true it was still unacceptable! But I knew him and I knew there was more to it than sex. After all, that’s how I got him. Same job, same demonstration….different face. This time, I was the girlfriend at home and not the side chick at the club.

As we were walking into the front door and talking about who knows what, Chelsea said a name, in reference to me, only it wasn’t my damn name!!! It was the ‘the other woman’s’ name. o.O  This caught me completely off guard. I don’t remember what she was saying but for sake of this blog, I’ll pose a hypothetical conversation so you can see what I mean:

“Me: Chelsea, I thought I told you not to leave any trash in your room anymore because the dog will eat it and get sick?
Chelsea: You did, I’m sorry Tiana, I mean Kendria !!”

We were walking into my mom’s house and I was so surprised that I just tried to brush it off. I thought to myself ‘does this little girl not know my name anymore? Is this possible? Did she just call me TheOtherWoman tho? Did this child, that I’ve been helping to raise AS MY OWN, just call me the other woman’s name? “

So many questions and emotions ran through my body and somewhat ruined the visit with my mom. At least two more times and once in front of my mother she called me the other chick’s name and cleaned it up really quick. By the time she said it in front of my mom, embarrassing and exposing my private life, I was full blown shitty and my face couldn’t hide it. I don’t remember the ride home or what I said to her, if anything.
She wasn’t my actual daughter so I played my role on the tightrope with eyes open. I was aware that I couldn’t just talk to her in any way I wanted to, so I think I probably chose to say nothing. I did say something to her father, who was pissed and cussed her out rather than taking accountability for what was happening. She cried when she apologized to me. I can only imagine what he said to her.

 The little girl that I cared for, loved and adored had repeatedly called me another woman’s name. My mind could not find a place where this was acceptable. Was she doing it deliberately? There was no fucking way you don’t know my damn name little girl!! How could you? And in front of my mother? Why?

I was hurt. But I couldn’t really focus on why she would say that because I was stuck on the how. How did she know this other woman’s name? Because she had been around her, that’s why. She had spent time with her…. Enough time with her to remember her name. The time she wasn’t with me, she was with her. Laughing, smiling, having a good time. Not thinking about me. I felt double cheated on by father and daughter.

After all I had done- all I had selflessly given and poured into this facade of a family and this was my reward? He not only cheats on me, but he takes his daughter along to cheat too? He takes MY daughter to another woman?

I carried a grudge for years afterwards. It was hard for me to get over that. I knew she was just a baby, but she was an 8 year old baby that knew the difference between me and another woman. At the time and for those years later, I couldn’t get beyond that point. In fact, I was no longer trying to ‘get it’ when one day it just hit me: Intuition.
A Woman’s Intuition. What if we’re born with it? That would mean it can be activated at any time….or at least any logical time. Chelsea is my proof. The entire time that I was hurt and when I stifled that hurt into a grudge in my backpack, I was in my ‘ego’ stage. What my sisterfriend refers to as ‘operating out of the lower self’. I thought Chelsea was trying to be funny. Or hurtful. I thought SHE was out to ‘get’ ME. Why? After all the love I showered with, enough so for her to call me mommy, why would she out to get me or hurt me? Where had I disappointed her for such early age vengeance?

In cocooning outside of a ‘lowered self’ and coming into a raised awareness, minus my ego, I finally got it. She wasn’t trying to hurt me; she was ‘alerting’ me. At 8 years old, she was more than likely unconsciously conscious in her endeavors but she was old enough to know what she was doing. In other words, she knew some shit wasn’t right and she wanted me to know and using a not-yet-ripened instinct, she thought by calling me the other woman’s name (insert answer).

* Maybe she thought it would come to light and I’d get ‘Tiana’ out the way.
*Or maybe she wanted me to not be blindsided and hurt.

Maybe all of this is a big ass jump over the Mountains of Conclusions, but there was something more to such a purposeful act than hurting me. I definitely think she wanted me to know that she had been around another woman. Her father earned the rights to his prior THREE girlfriend’s hearts this same way, with her in tow. Perhaps at 8 years old, she didn’t want to see another woman crippled and defeated in that way. She knew by then that once she gets taken to ‘the other woman’s’ house, the main chick was on her way out. I could be right and it could all be her young woman’s instinct; she was probably unaware how deep it ran subconsciously. A Woman’s Instinct is born into us but we need time, age, wisdom and knowledge to learn how to navigate and use it before we act. She just knew she had to ACT NOW! I couldn’t see that or feel any of this then. I didn’t know how to talk to her or what to say after it happened so the Q&A session that probably should have happened between me and her never did. I remember now…where this notion derived from. It was after a text from her father who wanted me to know she said that I was always her ‘favorite’ and she will always love me (she’ll be 21 in Nov). I loved her like my child. I did. Clearly she loved me. We were connected. And her instinct, her 8 year old woman’s instinct broke through her toy box and told her she needed to do something. She was never trying to hurt me; she loved me too much for that.  

She was using nature’s tool. Intuition. It HAS to be born into us. We simply learn how to use it with time; just like it took me time to understand this.

Thank you Chelsea!
No Blogtrack today, but I do have a lyric by JayZ:

“Intuition is there, even when my vision’s impaired. Yeah.”

~j,  1653Words #GoalOf1500 #AMuseD #MuseChelsea 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Chasing Pavements

I started my first blog many years ago. None of us were friends at the time. It was probably around 2005/6ish when I debuted Single in a Sleeping City (which has been erased from the internet since then due to my mistake). I’ve blogged A LOT over the years. One of my biggest challenges about blogging is how to take it seriously. 

In the time that has passed since Single in a Sleeping City, blogging has become not only a respected way of journalism, but a way to make means off your writing. I’ve been all over the internet from WordPress to Google to Tumblr and back. I’m sure there are some smaller platforms I've used that I’m missing as well. I’ve blogged about relationships, life, being a black woman, being black in a America, hot topics, interviews and reviews. 

Consistency you say? No, I’m not. My blog life is reflective of me as a woman/human in the fact that I do it when I want or when I feel ‘the urge’ to. I don’t meet deadlines that aren’t forced on me. I don’t allow it to be seen by the public unless it’s politically correct. I don’t give my readers and followers a set schedule to know when to expect me. Heck sometimes, I don’t even post the links. I’m an irresponsible blogger. Currently I maintain two blogs, one of which gets the least traction of my penwork: My relationship blog, #AMuseD and the Indpls Recorder Blog, Off the Deep End”. Off the Deep End gets the less focus.

I want to change that.
So I’ve made some changes.

Using the avenues I’ve been given, my consistency will be changing. I want my audience to trust that I will post a blog. I want to not disappoint that trust. I want to consistently produce my literary product. I want to be featured on For Harriet and BKNation again and in order to do that, I have to step outside of my comfort zone, get myself into a mental gear of professionalism and determination and get it going.  I thank you for reading this blog. I thank you for any blog you’ve shared or read. Without your eyes raising the number count, I might believe I was writing for nothing. I remember when Queen passed I thought I would NEVER again have an avid blog reader. But that’s not true. .

While I am 100% doing this overhaul for myself, I am doing it for my readers too. Even if it’s only two of you (it’s not).  Many times I have been told that my blog (this one in particular) has done something of positive nature for someone, even if that positive was just letting them know that someone else experienced the same or similar trials and issues. Who am I to NOT be consistent? How long will I be content with being the wrong type of Muse for myself? Your looking eyes push me to keep going. There is nothing like writing a blog that you think is THAT BLOG and you look at your numbers and have ZERO. But that is something I’ve done to MYSELF. I can’t blame anyonre for that. I’m the inconsistent one. I’m the one that doesn’t post the blogs I've written. I’m the one that says one is coming and it will be another week or month before it arrives. I’m the one that will go a whole quarter without blogging and then pop one up with crossed eyes that someone will be reading. 
Today is a day of change. So yesterday I spent time in silence, plotting how to make a turnaround happen. And here’s what I have come up with. I have two main blogs and one that is basically an archive at this point but an honest archive of good writings (IMO). I am going to focus on these two main blogs and if both are too much, which I should know this within the first 30 days, then I will reduce either the posts or the blogs. Soooooo-

Each blog will have a more profound focus as you will see below. The Indianapolis Recorder blog, which is the one I blog in the least, will have four different focuses for each week of the month. It makes no sense not to take full advantage of the platform that The Recorder is.This blog (AMuseD) will still have it’s focus, but it will also be receiving a pro-haul (professional overhaul) of it’s own. I’ve tried to reinvent myself and get professional and do better at blogging many times, but to no avail. But right now, change is happening in my life and to my spirit and it’s time to either sink or swim in the blog world. I’ve been doing it for far too long not be at AwesomelyLuvvie’s  status by now. 2005? Come on son……..

So as I shoot  for my star and my place in the world of writer’s, I thank you again for being apart of this journey and for helping me through it all just by reading. I encourage comments and shares. The private time is officially over (for this blog). The focus is real. It is here. And here I go…..into the abyss of my pen:

Blog Number 1: Off the Deep End – Indianapolis Recorder Website
This blog started off as a blog that is open ended in terms of content. I was given the green light to basically say what I want and that’s what I did.  This is my attempt tat balancing the need for more readers and a better blog with who I am, what is on my heart as far as content and how to grow as a woman, a writer and a professional.

There will be four blogs per month (one per week).

Deadline: Sunday, 5pm. Blog MUST be turned in. (I am not responsible for posting the blogs so I can’t account for when they will post, but they will be turned in each week on Sunday by five.)  

Each week will have a different ‘focal point’ that a blog will be written from as follows:
Week 1 – Black Life Matters Content – Where to begin??? I have so much to say about BLM. I have been virtually SILENT about some of the recent situations because my exhaust system was down. For this content, I will chronicle a story about Black Lives Matter. It might be a recent killing, trial, opinion, race relations, tensions in the workplace for people of color, etc, etc…..there is really no limit to the content that derives from this topic because there is so much and will ALWAYS be.
Week 2 – Indianapolis Spotlight  - I miss doing interviews!!! I did those for awhile w/Midwest Leak and have a good time learning about locals that I may not have heard of. I want to use this space as an opportunity to create a platform for other locals (artists, community activists, programs, teens, etc) to share their gifts and goals. Once a month, I will interview a local person and do a writeup on them.
Week 3 – Love – This might be a pull from AMuseD (when possible) or a retell (in PC language of course) of something on AMuseD, as well as any new ideas/thoughts that fall under the guise of love.
Week 4 Poem  - One piece of literary written poetry. Pretty simple. It will keep me writing poetry and get some of the stuff that no one ever sees or hears out there in the public eye.

****NOTE: Each blog will be titled with what it is, followed by the actual blog title. For example “Indianapolis Spotlight: Januarie York” or POETRY: ‘name of poem’.  This will help the readers understand the focus. I may have to come up with more catchy wordings than “indianapolis spotlight and poetry and love’. So stay tuned.

Blog Number 2: AMuseD – Right here where you are (
AMuseD will ALWAYS be about what it’s about. This will not change; it will evolve, but not change. Recently, I’ve taken a look at some of the blogs and saw a bad trend. They go up and down and down and up and I don’t mean that in terms of emotions; I mean content. In one keystroke I say that I’m about to breakdown Jill Scott’s album and I start that…..then three blogs later I’m talking about the current state of my love life and then another blog later, I am back to reminiscing on past relationships (which is fine because that’s where this blog started). In effort to create a better sense of consistency and pattern, I have come up with a way that lets me still talk about all these things but puts them in a consistent format:

2-3 blog posts per month. Blogs due (to self) on Saturdays by 5pm. 

v  SeriesN/ASeries  - AMuseD is its own series but it has a series within it. Actually there have been a few including the Creepshow series. The most recent is the Jill Scott album breakdown. The series (named after her CD) is called WOMAN. Moving forward, after this series concludes, a new one will arise. Just like the Recorder, these will all feature the series title first, then the title of the blog. (ex: WOMAN: Open.Close.Kneel.Stand.).
v  Old Flame Story – Keeping with the original content of this blog, this is as simple as it states: A blog about one of the old flames, aka MUSES. I will return to the roots of using their Muse Names and Inmate #s (because I liked that so much). I think I will call this #FlamingHaute
v  CurrencySituationz – I’m still on the fence about this one but if I like it enough, I will use this area to speak in currency. So the blogs about my trip to Cincinnati back in July would fit here.

And there you have it. This totals me out at, at least 6 blogs per month with a maximum of 7. Seems like a small number as compared to 30 days per month, but it’s really not; this is a lot of fucking writing. I am pushing my focus to be on the Recorder blog but I intend to keep up fully w/AMuseD. If anything changes and I can’t keep up both, I will make a notice. But for now, this is what it is. I don’t pretend this will be easy. I won’t pretend I’m not biting my fingernails. But I will say I got this. This isn’t the only ‘overhaul’ going on in my life as I am on this road to leaving Indianapolis and with what I’m doing for me, I must say this right here is peanuts in my Fendi purse. The first 30 days will be the hardest.

As Tupac once said “Look for me!!“

"Should I give up 
Should I just keep chasing pavements even if - 
it leads no where
oh would it be a waste? 
Even if I knew my place
Should I leave it there? 
Should I give up?
Or should I just 
keep on
pavements................." ~Adele, Chasing Pavements 
