Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Roll of the Dice ....7Twice.

Today the only music playing is the soundtrack in my head. If I had to toss out a song that would be randomly playing as I wrote this blog, I would go with "I Was Here" by Beyonce. Lots of folks don't like Beyonce. I'm sorta indifferent. I think she's bad assery. She can sing, dance and she's beautiful. Her talents can't be denied, although they often are. On the flip side, I think she's strange, secluded and aloof. Part of that could be a self protection tool of which I can't say I blame her. She seems to have fun with her life and I know there are things about her private life that have gone public (i.e. her father and his infidelities, children and dead beat dadism) that have to silently affect her with great measure. So yeah, I'm indifferent. If she puts out a song I like, I vibe with it. If she doesn't, I don't defame her. I hate that she wears a fake ass sometimes because her body is good as it is. But that's not my business and I REALLY dgaf.

I have a few of her albums. Some dope, others hit and miss. But it was the 4 album, the one she completed after firing her old management, father and team, that I Was Here appeared on.

The first time I heard it, I instantly became attached. I even had my friend Ro play it on the violin at my cd release party. It's a beautiful song that is all about living your life with and on purpose. Having a vision and executing it. Believing that you will change someone's life with what you are gifted at and knowing that you will be remembered long after you are gone. I connected instantly with this song.

"I was here
I lived, I loved
I was here ....
I did, I've done
everything I wanted and it was more than I thought it would be
I want to leave my mark so everyone knows I was here"

That is today's blog track because this blog is a deviation from the norm. This blog is about vision. Actually it's about vision boards and the one (or should I say oneS) that I created for this year. I won't flip the script in this space to often, especially with me trying to get for real about it for the 1000th time, but this particular entry is necessary for my audience (as inspiration), as well as apart of my #AMuseD journey. I was supposed to put it out weeks ago along with my blog sisters Laura of Oh  Wize One and Jeanne of Finesse Curves. Today is January 26th and it's roughly 3 weeks overdue (Shout out to my blog sisters Laura & , who posted their visions...see links at end), but as they say it's better late than  -

I added that touch. Why?
Well this is where me doing a 2016 Vision Board and A.M(use.D.) come together in harmony.

Severed -  Divided by cutting or slicing, especially suddenly and forcibly.
                -  to put an end to (a connection or relationship); break off.

It's better that you create your vision (board) late than to sever your vision. Part of a vision board is disconnecting from the idea that you can't, shouldn't or won't do something. Whatever your 'something' is can only be determined by you, but creating a vision board puts that something into play. It's like adding your piece to the board game. You are officially off and running.  Roll the dice.

This blog was a vision. While there was no board or no prior intent, it was still a vision that was executed. It was me psychologically putting an end to (or breaking off) connections and relationships that were swimming in my system and causing me continued damage. By getting these thoughts out, I was able to heal (although I needed other measures as well) myself from the pain of a failed situationship. I cut the rope. But I used my scissors as more than a sounding board. I began to see this blog with a new future and even greater possibilities. The more I write, more that vision is reaffirmed. Now, this blog is on my 2016 vision board for it's future. I am speaking A.M(use.D.) into greater harmony and purpose.

2015 was my first vision board. It was my first time running barefoot around the sun and saying to myself "I GOT THIS"! THIS WILL HAPPEN!!!
And as if I were a magician, I watched the actions of the year unfold and before I knew it, I had done everything on my vision board to some extent. From an unplanned trip to San Francisco to finding love, EVERYTHING I spoke into life and every game piece I put on the board came into fruition. I rolled the dice and collected $200 more than I went to jail. Well that is, if this were Monopoly.

There was no way I couldn't do a vision board for 2016. The difference this year is my vision got bigger. Here's my thing about vision boards. Me and my sister and niece get together with a stack of magazines, Sex in the City (or some other show of equivalent greatness) and laugh and talk about silly stuff while cutting. I cut everything. I don't go in with an intent or a set vision. I enter my magazines with a blank canvas of a mind and let my natural instinct guide me. My eyes find the words and create phrases, thoughts and ideas as I turn pages. In the end, I have LOTS of stuff. I arrange it, tape it or glue it depending on my patience and the aesthetics and hang it up where I can see it daily. DAILY. I saw my vision board of last year every time I woke up. I like phrases so there tends to be more words on my board than pictures, but go where the spirit guides you and be serious. Know that a vision board isn't a 1st grade school project to be forgotten by the time you graduate. This is your life and you're speaking and creating it into existence. Cut until you get tired and then take a break. Come back and arrange it. This is you after all. This is your game piece. Roll the dice.

So, this year, I had a lot of visions. Some that grew from an extension of last year and others that grew as extension of my new growth. I ended up with two boards. It's ok. I'm petty like that. They both have a recurring them of FIND IT. LOVE IT. One is about basically everything from mental growth to getting engaged (hey...* shrug* ); the other one is more about writing, saving money, vacation, spirituality and taking self seriously. You'll see photos below to determine which is which.

I always include some random black girl magic. I was also able to come across that phrase twice. Another recurrence for the win :)

 There is nothing on my board that I don't expect to come true.

Everything on there has purpose and plenty of rhyme and reason. If you have not already created your board, get to it !!! It's necessary and it can be a bit stress relieving. Plus, who doesn't need something else to do with all those magazines that Half Price Books won't buy from you? Let your secrets spill out onto a .79 posterboard and watch how your actions begin to naturally unfold towards those goals. There's a beautiful marriage between sight, sound and action that doesn't receive enough credit.

Now is the time. Both of mine are done. I put off the second blog for a minute out of sheer laziness, but it's completed now. Check them out below and feel free to add yours to the comments. If you haven't done it yet, go do it. Grab your books, a glass of wine and a good tv show or some sound music and just go where the flow leads you. Today is the day to get it done. It's better late than severed!!  This is your life. Your game piece. YOU WERE HERE!!!!!

Go ahead and roll the dice!

Blogtrack (mentally):

Seven Twice, man Seven Twice"
~Beyonce, 7.11

Also, be sure to check out my blog sisters and their vision board experiences:

New Year, New Squad Goals