Thursday, December 10, 2015

A.M(use.D.) - The Name That Says It ALL.

I got besides myself yesterday. I spent nearly two hours trying to format my blog correctly. I'm not sure what the problem was, as I did nothing I haven't done before (write in a Word doc then copy/paste to transfer). Yesterday blogger decided to highlight all my words and it was just ugly. It was ugly on the blog, ugly on the was bad.

After some googling and youtube tutorials, I had to go into the html and search for specific background colors and delete them. I did that and it changed the color of the font and would not change it back to white. It was such a stressful time that I completely forgot to include this bit of information that brings me to next-day-blogging. It's probably better this way because this is can stand alone as it's own whole blog, and it may answer some unasked questions from anyone recently joining the world of #AMuseD.

A couple of days ago, one of my avid  readers asked me if I had blogged at all about the meaning of the title, #AMuseD. I let her know that I may have alluded to it in a blog or two, but there was nothing where I actually detailed what brought me to this particular name and breakdown of spelling, but that I would try to include it in the blog that was about be released. As I stated earlier, my mind ended up focused on something completely different and that information didn't make it in the most recent post, but here I am ready to divulge the great secrets of #AMuseD!!! : )

So, where to begin??? First, let's go back to some of the old flyers:

This was the first official 'flyer' I created for the blog. It took a lot of playing around with the word itself and the letters to get the exact spelling for it. I remember thinking of how 'amused' I was (sarcastically of course) at the idea of #MuseWeasel. What started off an idea to do a self-inflicted exorcism of emotions started to seem like a good writing opportunity the more the days passed. As I started to think of the friend that used to tell me that my life was a book that needed to be written, I toggled w/the idea of creating this blog based on my past relationships, situations, incidents and occurences where love is involved. The more I thought, the more (sarcastically) amused I became. 

First came the status'. Once the word AMUSED hit my pyche, I couldn't  get rid of it. I would add it to pictures, hashtags, I would leave it out of sentences that were clearly pointing to the word itself. I couldn't shake it, even prior to the realization that it was title-worthy.
June 6, 2013 via Instagram:
Caption "less than ...."

The caption was a lead towards AMUSED. By then, I was starting to feel more than my fair share of amused. By that August 1, I added it to a 'feeling'. The status said "There is so much I want to say but no point, purpose or fulfillment from saying it * shrug * Feeling amused. *smiley face* " 

August 12, 2013: "'time I end up on this particular 'newsfeed view', I always palm my face and say 'why kennie...just why in the eff did you switch to this view?" Smdh. FB puts all your business out there...better not watch no porn. ...FB will tell on you. the five minutes I switched to this (for a particular reason not associated w/trolling), I have learned every single move everyone of you 34 people has made sicnce 5am........"  <

By October 22, this was posted:

Picture caption: "To become someone's MUSE is not a lightweight event. At least not for me. I'm not amused enough to find a MUSE anywhere. #ImNotJustAnybody"

But I wasn't done with him. At this point, I had started to play with the word itself. I saw it broken up and apart and still stnading alone as a whole statement. I remember when I broke the word up in three pieces and saw the "D" was at the end (the letter his name started with), I thought I was on to something great. I wanted to do something with that title. Maybe write a small chapbook of poems? After all, I had written many about him. He had literally been my Muse for months. And his name started w/a D. It was all in the cards. #AMuseD was born. I decided to make a chapbook. I DECIDED to stay where I wasn't wanted. 

November 7, 2013: thought I saw New York inside of one of those dimples. Guess that's why I keep trying to live in that smile. #AMUSED 

It was official. I hashtagged it and liked the look of it. I was still living in a scenario I cooked up on page. I was in my head, in love with a King. But outside of my head where reality lived, I was playing w/a Jester and the balls on his hat. And then three status' later, the bottom falls out and the road changed: 

January 20, 2014- When they've finished exploring their whoredom across twitter, IG, and facebook, they instantly turn to Kik. It's called "Starting over for Cyberdummies"

I was turning 35 in three days. And my spirits had been crushed like  can of orange pop. Just over a month later, Queen passed. My system went into full shock of the year's events that happened up until March 1. By the end of March, I had somewhat made a decision. I decided to keep this cool title I had, spin it up a bit and change the flow of the chapbook. my intent was to write it in deamn near record-breaking two days and submit it. That was too hard tho.

FB: They say the true test is how SILENT you remain. 
I'll let "AMuseD' (the unrequited love-gone-postal-story you been waiting to be inspired by) be the judge of that. #NewChapbook #SubmittingIntwoDays

But by April, I realized that was doing too much. I realized a chapbook could not tell the story I needed to tell, especially if I was telling it in two days. At some point, I made the switch to just start blogging it. And to call the blog the chapbook title. 

By April 30th, I had firgured it all out. 
A.Muse.D. - often spelled A.M(use.D.) 
Taken from the word AMUSED, the title has four parts in one word: 
- A Muse - To have a muse. To have been mused. To use a muse to elevate.
-Amused - To simply be amused. To be entertained, albeit sarcastically in this blog, but at the very least, to be given a chuckle.
-USED - To get used. To be taken for a give and divy parts of yourself/your life up to one person who intends to give NOTHING in return. 
-D - It just so happens that I've dated or kicked it w/several people who's names started w/D. It seemed befitting. 

All were things I had been. I had been amused. I had been used. I had been taken over by my Muse. 

And on April 30, 2014, I wrote: 
I started something new....

i just have to be 100% sure i'm game to do this. This is all the way.....
its up.
its ready.

All it needs is for me to share its location. * thinking *
If you can see this, you have been invited to read along. Not for 'sharing' purposes but because I was moved to feel like YOU could get something from what you read.....Lots of transparency, probably the MOST I've ever been, and a lot of stuff that will make you gasp at them and ME !!!! But I know in my heart I have a true story to tell that will HELP someone...i know that. I've always known and thought these things didn't just happen just to be 'happening.' But how to share w/shitting on other people and while taking accountability but not EXCUSING the actions of others ????
I think i figured it out.
Question remains tho: Am I ready to let you see it ? * giggle *

#AMuseD #TheBlogSeries

To say I was scared is a bit of an understatement. But then, the universe kept spinning shawty my way. 

May 14: ....and then this popped up:
"Truth cannot be concealed. Truth is 'that which is.' It is specific energy in the universe. It literally begs to be revealed, especially when hypocrisy and deceit - distorted statements of 'that which is' - moves towards domination." - Dr. Francis Cress Welsing
By way of Atiya Mariese

May 20: 
Something I saw in my feed that resonated:
"People will say you're "messy" or "petty" for calling someone out on their shit, but their opinions are invalid because they can't call you the one thing that they wish they could: A LIAR."

I did flyers for it every week. 

And there is it. 

That's how AMuseD got birthed and what A.M(use.D.) means. Thanks to the FB activity search feature, I was able to do this step by step !!!! It's been pretty inspiring going back to the beginning. I thank you for continuing on this journey with me !!! It continues from here and I'm very glad to be back !!! I can't wait to see this blog continue to grow and eventually land itself all kinds of awards and best seller nods! Today, #AMuseD received it's first nomination from fellow blogger and follower, Laura Wize ( for "The Liebster Award". Stay tuned for tomorrow's post for to learn more (yes there will be a post tomorrow as well)! April 30, 2015 marked the ONE YEAR Blog'versary of #AMuseD!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who has been around since day one and the newcomers as well. You all have made this possible to BE and to HEAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


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