Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday Mourning: Pre Posting #MuseDWeasel

I decided that when I have random freewrites inspired by any of the  'characters' from this blog, I would post them on Mondays as the #MondayMourning  blog !!!!

So first up, a freewrite inspired by the Muse himself, #MrWeasel.

it ain't homegrown anymore
gardens abandoned like Chernobyl
radioactive heartbeats broken to smithereens
abandon mission

hopes and wishes dashed in a secret vision that can't be cashed in for golden i love you tokens

if he don't want you
he won't have you
cornstalks of pretending will flourish

giving is for the taking
it ain't homegrown anymore
its seeded with weed pollen
we sneezing off of each other

i chew
you apart and spit you back to the ocean i found you shipwrecked against
...these are ghosts in our bed
this is death giving me head,
i cum for no reason off words you never said
i love you's can't be planted and watered

but lies can.

this is reggie ....regular....
just shy of bunk
skunk smoke
choke toke
choke hold
nothing like homegrown,
this is

a disaster in creation
this is the beginning of emotional evacuation.

I loved you from the moment i intercepted our paths,
see we were never supposed to share a space tighter than the 50 degree angle we often stood in....
i was never supposed to remember you
you were always a forgetful stain in history's pre-making,
we never dated
because we were never supposed to be dating,
you never waited,
because i was never supposed to be waiting,

now i'm fledgling against my own will power because what else is left to do but go back to the day before i collected your story as a novel worth checking out....

you are not the blame of my pain but rather the gain of one hundred flames set across the tips of my eyelashes,
when i see visual reminders of you,
my pupils become fire starters
my memories are haunting taunters of revenge
my dreams become the crypt keeper of angered time clocks that have stopped on the broken second hand's whisper:

"its noon oclock"

Drop the leftovers in the stockpot and let it burn
turn the stove up and cook the cracks out
chop the residue until nothing is left but a fine powdery substance to be blown away
turn the fan on
absorb the remnants of leftovers
take the lesson and bite down until I feel the resilience within put it's lighters up,

i loved you
from the moment prior to the day I would look at you
and see your smile differently
if only I could have predicted myself to drown in your dimples while you closed your cheeks
til your smile disappeared....
and so did i ....
maybe i could have saved myself
....and my dopamine levels
from the life of that death ride.

#AmusedBy #DWeasel #Muse#20134102 

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