Tuesday, February 10, 2015

......................... again.

Blogtrack: Say Something 

I give up.

ON this day in my history,
I just don’t think I’m meant for anyone.
Not because I’m so fucked up or so bad,
I’m just not meant for what is out there.

I’m too much of everything: Too quiet, too shy, too vocal, too opinionated, too independent (gigglez), too intimidating, too in love w/my dogs, too wild.

Too much.

I’m good. 

i don't trust giving away anymore of me, mind/body/spirit. #NoMoreRegrets

I don't have the patience left in my head, the healing on my spirit or the road available on my heart to deal with a cause that will not fulfill me in some capacity. Maybe i'm too picky, although I beg to differ on that. Maybe I'm just not ready so anything or anyone headed in my direction (which is hardly anyone ...shrug), is just a smoke screen. I would share some info from this day last year, but nah. I'm not doing that. WHich says A LOT !!!!!!

But today,
I just want to get better at accepting that love and companionship is something that may never make its way to me. Sometimes I accept it, other times, I try to #CreateMyLegacy but it often blows up in my face within hours or days. So eh....what's the point of it all if all I get in the end is a bag of tears and a two dollar regret? I'll just stick to writing love in poems and sneaking peeks at people who have it and exude it <3 No hard feelings,

just if there is a King somewhere looking for my left foot to slide into a shoe,

he'll just have to scour Earth for me,
That is, IF he REALLY wants me,
where ever in this world he may be.

In the meantime, I'll keep dating myself and sleeping with my laptop. 

Now Playing: Sam Smith: Life Support. 

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