Yesterday, I ALMOST cried….
Not over or about someone,
But just pure frustration….
Sometimes, it gets to me.
Most times, I’m able to skate through it and live fully.
Yesterday, in the midst of a bad day, I allowed myself to
start thinking and feeling that I’m not good enough for a relationship and that’s
why they all left me and got married and started families while I’m still
posing for the camera and hoping someone sees something in me pretty enough to
start a conversation with me…..i got frustrated because I have no one to talk
to ….i don’t talk on the phone or text anyone…same shit as I have mentioned
before in this blog and NOTHING has changed….
The white guy wasn’t interested and I’m in no way forcing
myself on anyone anymore, ESPECIALLY not a white guy. * shrug *
And I’m back to nothingness. Depending on my best friends to
help me when a situation has arrived (like getting a jump yesterday before my
court date )….i don’t understand what it is about me that won’t allow ANYONE to
find interest in me. No one wants to so much as dance with me on the
dancefloor. I went to Old Soul and remembered why I don’t do those functions
alone….because it’s a room of couples and people who are flirting and dancing
together, while I stand and hope no one sees how awkward im trying to pretend I’m
Yesterday wasn’t a back peddle.…..i just got a lottabit
frustrated that it seems like I’m nothing that anyone finds any interest in and
I can’t make that make sense to me considering who I am….
Meaning, on paper, I would
like to think that I’m a catch. Off paper, I don’t think I’m THAT fucked up… could there not be ONE
single person in Indy that looks at me somewhere and says “hmmm, I would love
to get to know her”….
Not one.
* shrug *
Today, I just don’t give a fuck. * more shrugs *
It takes so much work not to let this type of shit work you
into thinking less of yourself. Today, I’m working. Yesterday, I was less than
savvy. Tomorrow, I will be better and greater.
If no one wants it,
No one gets it.
And that’s fine. There is a country somewhere that is waiting
on my arrival as a visitor on the journey of life. If I can just get to it……………..
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